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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 32, June 17, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 11 of 43 (25%)
urged the Sultan to regard the Powers as enemies of Turkey, Europe began
to open her eyes.

That Turkey should suddenly show such disrespect to the Great Powers
seemed impossible to believe, until it was learned that Germany was
supporting Turkey, and had assured the Sultan that if he refused to give
up Thessaly the Powers could not put him out of the conquered country.

All the rest of the Powers at once began to abuse Germany; but, if the
blame for this disgraceful situation is to be properly bestowed, it will
only be right for each of the Powers to take an equal share of it.

Had the Powers not upheld Turkey in the Cretan trouble, the chances are
that there would have been no war, and Thessaly would now be peacefully
and prosperously gathering in her harvest, instead of being robbed and
plundered by a cruel foe.

Once having joined together to assist Turkey to regain her position
among nations, it seems foolish for the Powers to try and throw the
blame on any one of themselves; they are all equally blamable.

* * * * *

It is said that King George is preparing to leave Greece.

There has been a bitter feeling against him since the failure of the
war. The people declare that the disgrace of the Greek arms was due to
the fact that the King officered his army with Court favorites, who had
had little or no military experience.

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