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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 32, June 17, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 12 of 43 (27%)
It is stated on good authority that the King is now barricaded in his
palace, and that the Powers have been appealed to, to protect him from
his people. It is feared that nothing but the presence of foreign
warships in the Piræus prevents the people from rising and trying to
overthrow the monarchy.

The captains of these ships are under orders to land the men under their
command at the first sign of trouble, and join with the police in
restoring order.

A special guard of the most trusted citizens has been recruited to help
the police in their daily work, and it is hoped that as soon as the keen
edge of their disappointment has worn off the people may return to
their old affection for their king.

* * * * *

The _Naniwa_, with the Japanese Commissioner on board, has arrived
safely in Honolulu.

There was considerable excitement among the crowds of Japanese that
lined the streets and the docks to greet the Commissioner, but there was
no disturbance of any kind. The Commissioner was politely received by
the Hawaiian Government, and no unfriendly feeling was shown by any one.

The Commissioner, whose name is Mr. Akiyama, stated that he had come on
a friendly errand. His Government had been told that the Hawaiian
Government had refused to allow Japanese emigrants to land on the
Sandwich Islands, and he had come over to investigate the matter.

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