The High School Failures - A Study of the School Records of Pupils Failing in Academic or - Commercial High School Subjects by Francis P. Obrien
page 6 of 148 (04%)
page 6 of 148 (04%)
2. Most of the Failing Pupils Lack Neither Ability nor
Earnestness 77 3. The School Emphasis and the School Failures Are Both Culminative in Particular School Subjects 81 4. An Indictment Against the Subject-Matter and the Teaching Ends as Factors in Producing Failures 83 5. Summary of Chapter, and References 85 VII.--WHAT TREATMENT IS SUGGESTED BY THE DIAGNOSIS OF THE FACTS OF FAILURE? 1. Organization and Adaptation in Recognition of the Individual Differences in Abilities and Interests 87 2. Faculty Student Advisers from the Time of Entrance 89 3. Greater Flexibility and Differentiation Required 90 4. Provision for the Direction of the Pupils' Study 92 5. A Greater Recognition and Exposition of the Facts as Revealed by Accurate and Complete School Records 94 6. Summary of Chapter, and References 96 |