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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 135 of 234 (57%)
unheeded on her passage out, so depressed and sad at heart had she felt
at the death of her uncle. But, time having healed that mental wound,
and a bright future opening before her, she could now fully enjoy those
scenes and the associations they usually call up.


Arthur Carlton lost no time in making his way to the Capital and
reporting himself to the Commander-in-Chief. His Excellency was pleased
to accept graciously his reasons for throwing up his appointment on the
staff of General D----, at Goolampore. Our hero had expected to get a
good rap over the knuckles for acting as he had done without first
applying to headquarters, and this, doubtless, would have been the case
at any other time, but the blind folly and general mismanagement of the
late Brigadier had already been commented upon and censured by the
authorities, and no doubt if death had not interfered to prevent it, a
court martial and dismissal from the service would have been the result.
As it was, another officer was sent up and appointed to the command at
Goolampore, and Lieutenant Carlton ordered to join his regiment at the
earliest opportunity, which, of course, meant that he should proceed
with any corps, detachment, or party that might be moving in that
direction. But Arthur was too anxious for active employment to brook any
such delay; so, after a few days' sojourn at the Capital, attended only
by his servants, took the road to Runjetpoora, where his regiment was
reported to be stationed. Nothing, of interest occurred on the route,
until within a few miles of his destination where he expected to join
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