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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 136 of 234 (58%)
his corps.

It being his last day's march, he had sent his servants and baggage on
several hours in advance, and being well armed and well mounted, he
started from his halting place about daylight, alone, and pursued his
course along the high road, in the best possible spirits, feeling well
contented with the position of things in general, and his own in

About noon, being somewhat heated and thirsty, he turned his horse's
head to the right, and rode quietly some distance into the jungle, and
finding a cool shady spot by a small running stream, dismounted, and
taking off the saddle from his charger, gave him a feed of gram or corn,
and allowed a sufficient length of tether to enable him to crop the soft
grass which grew in the immediate vicinity of the running stream just
alluded to, while he rested and regaled himself with some biscuits,
brandy punnee, and his favourite German pipe. He had taken up his
position at the foot of a small tree, with his back against the trunk,
his famous tiger-rifle lying by his side and the hilt of his sabre
within convenient handling distance, for the time and place was such
that these precautions could not, with safety, be neglected. While thus
resting, he sank into a deep reverie; his thoughts wandering back to his
school boy days, in merry old England, ere he had sighed for a sword and
feather or longed to seek the bubble reputation at the cannon's mouth,
or dreamed of scenes by flood and field, beneath the scorching suns,
over the arid plains, or amid the wild trackless jungles of Industan.

Then Vellenaux, the home of his happy youth with its architectural
grandeurs, its magnificent parks and rich woodland scenery, passed in
review like a panorama before his mental vision, but fair as these
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