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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 140 of 234 (59%)
spot. Last night some villagers came in and reported that a large tiger,
doubtless the identical one yonder, was causing great havoc among the
cattle; so some half dozen of us started this morning in pursuit. We
caught sight of the brute about a mile from here, and Dorville, being
green at this kind of sport, took a shot at him at too great a range,
and, of course, missed, sending the creature in your direction, and so
gave you the opportunity of bagging him, which you have most
successfully accomplished."

"I am sorry, gentlemen, to have deprived you of your day's sport, but
under the circumstances, I really could not have done anything less, for
the tiger came so suddenly upon me, that there was nothing else for it;
but this really will be capital fun, the expedition to the hill fort you
speak of," replied Arthur as he tossed off the remaining portion of his
brandy punnee, exclaiming at same time, "Here's all success to our new

"You will give up all idea, of course, of going on to Runjetpoora, and
return with us to our camp and join our troop, for we are to attack
these gentry to-morrow evening, I believe. Colonel Atherly, of the
engineers, commands the column. He has heard of your exploits at Mooltan
and Chillianwalla, and would be sorry to lose the services of so good a
Sabre on this occasion. You can report in writing to headquarters,
through his Deputy-Adjutant-General, that you have joined your troop.
Your tent and servants can be sent over to you during to-morrow; in the
meantime, you can share mine,"--"or mine,"--"or mine,"--shouted a chorus
of voices.

"Upon my word, Dorville, you are highly complimentary. It's very
flattering to a fellow's feelings to be so thoroughly appreciated,
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