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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 141 of 234 (60%)
especially, after so long an absence from the regiment. Devilish kind of
you, gentlemen, to offer me quarters among you; but, as I cannot divide
myself into half a dozen pieces, I shall only be too happy to accept our
friend Dorville's offer, he being first in the field. By George, it will
be rejoining with _eclat_ if that little fort up yonder, on the hill
side, could be carried by one bold dash, and the affair terminated in a
day or so," cried Carlton, his handsome face lighting up, and pleasure
beaming from his flashing eye at the bare idea of the coming contest.

"If I can only get my twenty-four pound howitzer in a good position I
will make the place so hot in a dozen hours that the blackguards will
curse their unlucky stars that caused them to unlimber for action in
such an owl's nest as that," put in another of the party, an artillery
officer, attached to the flying column.

"But what say you to a move, gentlemen. We have some miles to ride, and
that, too, before the trumpet sounds the mess call," said Travas,
raising himself from his sitting position and moving towards his horse.
This suited the views of the whole party. The greater number were
already in the saddle. While Arthur and the two others had their feet in
the stirrup, preparing to mount, the whole party were startled and
amazed by the very novel and unlooked for apparition of a female figure,
flying towards them, evidently in great terror and alarm. On reaching
Carlton, who was the nearest to her, she bent forward with supplicating
looks and clasped hands, passionately exclaiming, "Oh! for pity sake,
hasten to the rescue, ere it be too late. Fly! gentlemen, and stay the
bloody work of those miscreants, those fiends in human form. Oh! waste
not a moment, or your aid may come too late." The supplicant was a
handsome three-quarter cast. Her luxuriant hair, dark as a raven's wing,
hung in wild confusion about her neck and shoulders. Her well-fitting
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