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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 172 of 234 (73%)
both of you."

In a few minutes the agent entered, she requested him to be seated.
"Reynolds, you too will remain;" then addressing Mr. Russell said, "I
have just received the intelligence that Sir Ralph has met with an
accident, by rail, resulting, I am told, in a broken limb, which may
detain him for some days at the farm house where he now lies; he has
requested me to attend him, and bring such things as I may deem
necessary, and further directs that you will call over and see him
sometime to-morrow." She then gave orders to the butler to pack up
several changes of his master's linen, and underclothing in a large
trunk and have it sent to her room, as she had bandages, flannel, and
other things that it might be necessary to place therein. This was
accordingly done, but as soon as alone she emptied the trunk of its
contents, and filled it with her own apparel. The carriage was then
ordered round, the trunks put in, and Mrs. Fraudhurst, who had found a
home there for upwards of twenty years, left Vellenaux never again to
return to it.

"She has baggage enough for the Seik men of a whole troop," remarked
Bridoon as she passed through the Park gates.

On arriving at the station her first act was to dismiss the carriage,
the next to take a ticket for Exeter, and in a snug hostlery in that
city made an addition to her toilette, then ordered a cab and proceeded
to the principal bank.

"I wish to see the manager," she said, with a condescending smile. The
obsequious cashier led the way to the sanctum, and ushered her in, for
he knew the visitor well, and also knew that opposite her name in the
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