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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 173 of 234 (73%)
books of the establishment there was an array of figures, representing
a goodly amount of the current coin of the realm.

In about ten minutes the lady, accompanied by the manager, returned, and
presented a cheque for the full amount of her deposit, which was paid in
gold and notes. This circumstance did not much surprise the banker, for
she had done the same on three or four occasions during the last seven
years, re-depositing the same amount a few hours after. She was then
politely bowed into her cab and was driven off. Having settled her bill
at the hotel, she drove down to the railway station and procured a
ticket for Queenstown, Ireland, and by the time Mr. Russell arrived at
the farm house to attend Sir Ralph, Mrs. Fraudhurst was airing herself
at the Cove of Cork. Her object in misleading the man who had been sent
to acquaint the agent with what had occurred to Sir Ralph, had thus been
effected: that of gaining time to enable her to quit the country before
steps could be taken to arrest her.

"There is not a finer craft swims the ocean than the beauty that lays
out yonder," said a weather-beaten old seaman to a group of sailors,
watermen, and others, who were lounging about the dockhead and
commenting on the merits of a first-class, clipper-built, full rigged
vessel that was lying in the Cove, her sails loosed and the blue Peter
or signal for sailing, flying at the fore.

"You may well say that with your own purty mouth, for it's yourself that
knows that same, Cornelius O'Donovan, for wasn't it yourself that made
the first trip in her, and isn't Captain Costigan a blood relation of
your own, and sure a smarter boy than him that has the handling of her
isn't to be found between this and Bantry Bay."

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