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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 174 of 234 (74%)
"It is her fourth trip to the Cape of Good Hope," resumed the first
speaker, knocking the ashes out of his pipe, and preparing to refill it.
Just then a lady, dressed in the height of the prevailing fashion,
advanced, and of one of the party enquired the name of the ship, and the
port to which she was bound.

"The 'Kaffir Chief,' outward bound for the Cape of Good Hope," was the
reply of the waterman who had been addressed. "Shall I put you on board,
my lady?"

"Not at this moment,--but when does she sail?"

"She will up anchor and top her boom at sunset," answered another of the

"They are lowering a boat," said the old tar, who had first spoken, who
was now taking a squint at her through a small pocket telescope; "it is
the skipper coming ashore for his papers, mails, and perhaps to jack up
some stray passengers."

"You would oblige me by telling the Captain that a lady wishes to speak
to him as soon as he lands, and then see if you can manage to drink my
health at yonder little public house," and Mrs. Fraudhurst here held out
a crown piece to the old seaman, who gladly accepted the offered coin.
"What did you say the Captain's name was?" It was immediately given.
"Then be good enough to tell Captain Costigan that he will find me
waiting for him beneath those trees yonder," she said, as she turned and
walked in the direction indicated.

"Pretty spoken woman that; devilish good looting, too; what can she want
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