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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
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best as he could, and the trio proceeded at a walk in the best possible
good humour.

On reaching the Willows they found Tom's sisters and Kate Cotterell on
the gallery. Their approach had been observed by old Mrs. Barton, from
the window of the breakfast room. They were received with a shower of
welcomes, for both Edith and Arthur were general favourites with all the
neighbouring families, and especially so at the Bartons.

Of course, Arthur's appointment and approaching departure for India was
communicated; all were pleased to hear of his good fortune, though sorry
to lose his society.

"You will, of course, call upon Horace and Pauline when you reach
Calcutta," suggested old Mrs. Barton, "I dare say you may not recollect
him, but he will remember you, although you were but a curly-headed boy
when he was last in England. You must take out some letters from us to

Edith had a hurried conversation with Kate Cotterell, Julia and Emily
Barton, on some little project of her own. This being finished, she
beckoned to Arthur, who was smoking and arranging some matters with Tom
Barton at the other end of the gallery; then mounting their horses they
rode slowly back to Vellenaux, in time to breakfast with Sir Jasper, who
was, by no means, an early riser.

With shooting, (with Tom Barton and some half dozen other College
chums,) visiting his acquaintances, and taking long rides through the
beech woods and over the downs with Edith, who was an excellent
equestrian, for his companion, the first six weeks of Arthur's return
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