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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
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passed pleasantly and rapidly away. He then had to post up to London to
get measured for his uniform, and general outfit, to say nothing of the
numberless commissions which he had been entrusted to execute by his
lady acquaintances, in view of the approaching fancy ball. Being his
first visit to the Metropolis, Arthur determined to see and hear all
that could be and seen heard during his short stay in that wonderful

Jack Frost, with his usual attendant and companion, snow, heralded the
approach of old Father Christmas, who filed an appearance at Vellenaux
on the morning of the twenty-fifth of December, and right heartily was
the old fellow welcomed. His advent had been announced at daybreak, by
discharges from an old-fashioned field piece which Bridoon (with the
permission of his old commander) had mounted on a wooden carriage to
commemorate his Peninsular victories, while the Bell Ringers rang out a
merry peal from the belfry of the quaint old church in the little
village hard by. Then came troops of merry, laughing children, singing
and chanting old Christmas Carols, and were rewarded by the old
housekeeper with a piping hot breakfast of mince pies, etc., etc.

After morning service in the church, which was numerously attended, the
laborers and many of the poorer tenants of the estate were regaled with
roast beef and plum pudding, good old October ale and mighty flagons of
that cider for which Devonshire is so justly celebrated. During the
evening there was a dance and supper in the servants' hall, to which
many of the small farmers with their wives, sons and daughters, had been
invited, and a right jovial time they had of it. Dancing, songs, scenes
from the magic lantern, hunt the slipper, blind man's buff, kissing
under the mistletoe, and many other Christmas gambols were the order of
the evening,--and, if one might judge from the bursts of mirth and
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