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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 34 of 234 (14%)
laughter that prevailed, this was very much to the satisfaction of all

The worthy Baronet, attended by Edith and Arthur, visited his work
people during the dinner in the great barn, addressing words of welcome
and kindness to all, nor did he absent himself from the merry-makings in
the servants' hall.

"Attention, form a line there!" shouted old Bridoon, the lodge keeper,
who was the Sir Oracle of the hour, and had seated himself in a large
arm chair beside the enormous fireplace, wherein the Yule logs burnt
brightly, darting out forked flames of blue, yellow, and crimson, and
sending forth great showers of sparks up the huge old-fashioned chimney
like fire-works on a gala night.

"Make way there for the Brigadier and his handsome aides-de-camp." The
sharp eye of the old campaigner had caught sight of the party from the
drawing room, which had halted in the door way and was looking on highly
amused at the merry groups that were footing it bravely, and with
untiring energy through the mazes of Irish jigs, Scotch reels and
English country dances. On entering, the mirth ceased for a moment out
of respect to Sir Jasper. "Go on, my good friends, we came to witness,
not to put a stop to your amusement," said the Baronet, as he took a
seat in the chimney corner, supported by Edith and Arthur. The dancing
was again resumed in about half an hour, and the party rose to retire.
Here Reynolds, the old butler, presented his master with a magnum of his
favorite port, which the old gentleman tossed off, wishing them all a
merry Christmas. This was the moment for which Bridoon had been waiting;
he rose and proposed the health of Sir Jasper, Miss Edith, and Master
Arthur, and said, "When lying wounded on the bloody field of Salamanca
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