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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 106 of 258 (41%)
"Ay, ay!" sings out that worthy, adapting himself immediately to the

The young American is hardly an athlete, although he belongs to one of
Chicago's best boat clubs.

He has an incentive now which causes him to strain every muscle, and
under the united strength of two men the boat dances over the billows in
the quarter whence the cry of help was heard.

It nevertheless takes them nearly five minutes to reach the scene, and
this is the longest five minutes John ever knew.

Only the voice of the boatman is heard, still calling, and by this they
know that the climax has already come.

A dreadful fear almost palsies John's heart as they reach the scene.

The boatman is discovered, clinging to the oars, and showing some
evidence of alarm. Perhaps he has had more than he bargained for.

John helps him in.

"Where are the others?" he cries, hoarsely.

"I am afraid, lost."

"Just Heaven! What has happened?"

"Boat sprung leak--go down fast. Soldier say he save lady, but struck
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