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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 107 of 258 (41%)
his head on boat and lose senses. I saw them no more."

It is horrible!

"Did the boat sink?" asks John, huskily.

"I do not know."

"Would it sink under such circumstances?" he asks their own boatman,
who also has the appearance of being rattled. When they entered into a
little trickery with Sir Lionel, they had no idea it would turn out so
tragically, and the possible serious consequences now staring them in
the face make them uneasy.

"No; it could not," returns that worthy.

"Then, if floating still, we must find it. Our only chance lies there."

Fortunately John is, in a measure, self-possessed. He at least shows
himself equal to the emergency.

They pull in the direction where it is most likely they will find what
they seek.

John twists his neck as he rows, and endeavors to scan the sea around
them. Again and again he calls out, hoping in the fullness of his heart
that some answering cry may come back.

What leaden seconds those are--never can they forget them.

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