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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 27 of 258 (10%)
saved that Maltese child," says this young lady, frankly.

More shouts without.

This time the men of Valetta are clamoring for the American to show
himself. They do not know much of America, but they recognize true grit
wherever they meet it.

Of course, a rush is made for the balcony, but John remains behind.

He is feeling somewhat weak after the exciting events of the afternoon.

And, as he sits there, smiling to hear the clamor without--for he is
human, this young Chicago M.D.--some one touches his arm.

"Lady Ruth, I thought you went out with the rest," he stammers, with a
guilty blush, for it chances that at the very moment he is thinking of
her, and what a soft, electric touch she has, so soothing, so very

"I did not go; I was watching you."

"An interesting study, surely."

"It was to me. I desired to know whether you secretly feared the results
of your wound."

"And I did not dream you were so concerned about me. Considering the
matter calmly, I am disposed to believe there is now no danger--that the
hot iron radically destroyed the last chance of infection."
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