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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 28 of 258 (10%)

"I am very glad to hear you say so."

"You care a little, then?"

How quickly she is on her guard.

"Because I would not see a brave boy needlessly sacrificed."

"You look on me as a boy. I am twenty-three."

"My own age, sir. That gives me the right to feel myself your senior."

"How so?"

"You know a woman is older at twenty-three than a man. Then you do not
wear a beard."

"I shall cultivate one from this hour. Why, a year ago I looked like a
pard, but was influenced to change."

Again that quick flash of intelligence.

"Ah! Doctor Chicago has left a lady love in the city on the lake."

"What makes you say that?"

"Several remarks you have made; the one just now, and then in reference
to the spur that sent you to face that dog. Ah! my friend, it must have
been a strong motive to influence you like that."
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