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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 31 of 258 (12%)
hundred thousand. I know one man a million would not tempt," cries the

"I suppose I must submit," and accompanied by Philander, with the two
women bringing up the rear, he passes out upon the balcony, where the
colonel of Royal Engineers has remained, to be a curious spectator of
the scene.

At sight of the hero of the street drama, those in the square before the
hotel shout and cheer. They are mostly natives, but men and women feel
very strongly drawn toward this young, smooth-faced American who risked
his life to save a child, and that child a Maltese boy.

John bows, and presses his uninjured hand upon his heart, bows again,
and retires.

Slowly the crowd disperses.

Lady Ruth completely ignores the colonel, but that veteran is not
crushed by any means. He watches the capricious maiden with a quizzical
light in his eye, which shows that he has not yet lost confidence in the
kindness of fate, or his own charms as a beau.

Lionel Blunt's success in life has come from the fact that he has ever
been ready to watch his chance and take advantage of every possible

So night settles over Malta, over the dreamy, blue Mediterranean, over
the singular city of Valetta, where this little company of tourists have
been temporarily marooned, and where Doctor Chicago, aided by fate, has
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