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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 32 of 258 (12%)
been enabled to make his first charge upon the heart of the proud
English girl, Lady Ruth.



It is a night of nights, destined to mark, as with a white stone, the
progress of at least two life currents that have until recently flown
contentedly on, each in its own individual channel.

Valetta, being a city of the Italian school, makes much ado over the
coming of Lent. The people, as if to prepare for six weeks of fasting,
indulge in all manner of feasting.

Even the Mohammedans, who are present in no small numbers, join the
festivities, for they, too, have a period of fasting, according to the
example set by the prophet, and commanded in the Koran.

Hence Valetta is very gay when night comes on; fancy Chinese lanterns
hang in the streets, music is heard on every hand, and laughing,
good-natured crowds jostle elbows in a way that would horrify a high
caste Hindoo.

Valetta has long been known as the headquarters of the famous Order of
Malta. The representative commanderies of different nations have their
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