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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 33 of 258 (12%)
inns, each called an _auberge_, on the principal streets, while the
palace of the Grand Master is three hundred feet on each side, facing
four streets, with a large square in front known as the Piazza St.

A small tower on the top known as the _Torretta_ is used as a station
from which men-of-war are signaled.

Everywhere can be seen the insignia of this ancient order, the white
Maltese cross on a blood-red field, arousing thoughts of men in armor,
the crusades, and much that is stirring and romantic in the history of
the centuries that are gone.

A student of history would find much to entrance him in this peculiar
hill-side city on the British Island of Malta.

Supper is served at the hotel just as night comes on, and John Craig,
M.D., has managed to eat in an unconcerned way, talking with his
friends, and trying to appear unconscious of the fact that two score of
curious eyes are upon him, the incident of the afternoon having spread
like wild-fire among the rest of the delayed steamer's passengers who
stop at the same hotel.

This is the first time the young master of medicine has found himself
the center of observation, and he comes through the ordeal very fairly,
as Lady Ruth informs him laughingly, when they _by chance_ leave the
dining-room together.

Another ordeal awaits John. In the parlor he finds the mother of the boy
whose life he saved. She cannot talk much English and John is hardly at
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