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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 42 of 258 (16%)
"Must assuredly," she replies, warmly, eagerly.

He places it in her hands.

"It was plain when I found it; with my spending money for a whole year
I had that gold locket made which holds it now. Ever since it has been
very close to my heart."

"Such devotion is wonderful. I sincerely hope it will meet its reward."

Then she looks at the miniature, which time has not in the least harmed,
looks at it--and utters a little ejaculation.

"She was beautiful indeed, Doctor Chicago--most charming. A face to
haunt one. I can see a trace of sadness in it, even at this early age,
as though her coming troubles cast a shadow before. You will be
surprised when I tell you I have met her."



The medical student looks at her eagerly.

"When--where?" he asks, huskily.

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