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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 43 of 258 (16%)
Any one who has met the woman about whom cluster all the tender
associations and thoughts of his lonely years of childhood, must assume
new importance in his eyes.

"It was a year or so ago. At the time I was in Paris with my uncle, Sir
Hugh, then alive."

"Yes, yes, she was there about that time, as I have since learned."

"I was out driving alone; it was just at dusk when we were returning
from the boulevards, and a wheel came off the vehicle.

"Though a little alarmed, I kept my senses, and bade the driver tie his
horse and then seek another vehicle for me.

"The neighborhood chanced to be a rather unsavory one. I could hear
boisterous men singing, and on finding myself alone I grew alarmed. From
windows frowzy heads were thrust out and rude women mocked at me. I
feared insult, injury. I was ready to fly for my life when a hand
touched my arm, and a gentle voice said:

"'Come with me, miss, I will protect you.'"

John trembles with emotion.

"Then you have heard her speak! Oh, what bliss that would be for me--my
mother, my poor mother who has suffered so long."

"When I looked in her face I knew I could trust her. Besides, her garb
reassured me."
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