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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 49 of 258 (18%)

"I can answer in part. I believe she was there. These enemies of yours,
dear boy, have baited a trap. You are about to walk into it."

"A trap, professor! why should they seek to harm me?"

"They have reasons. I can't mention them all, but perhaps some event in
your past may give you a clew. Have you ever heard of a person, by name
Pauline Potter?"

The young man starts.

"Ah! I see you have," pursues Philander, dryly.

"I confess it; she was a pretty actress, but my boyish passion for her
died out when I discovered her perfidy."

"Very true; but she has never forgiven you. What harm did you do her,

"The harm was on her side. When I found what deception she had put upon
me I simply denounced her in the presence of several who were at supper
with her, a new admirer among them. Perhaps she hates me for that, but
it seems queer that Pauline Potter, whom I knew in Chicago, should bob
up in Malta. Almost like a modern play."

"Well, she's here. I've seen her."

"Professor, pardon me for saying it, but you've allowed yourself to be
maligned. I believed you were a nonentity, but I find you possessed of
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