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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 50 of 258 (19%)
a remarkable mind. You are a second Richelieu."

"You flatter me. John, grant my favor; allow me to accompany you on this
errand. I will then have a chance to explain how I managed to learn all
these things."

"I see no reason to refuse."

"Good! Come, let's move off," with a quick glance over his shoulder.

"Oh," laughs the student, "_she's_ up stairs yet," and his words are
corroborated, for a burst of almost masculine laughter comes floating
down from the next floor, causing Philander to shrug his shoulders.

"She'll imagine I'm off seeing the sights. I went to see the modern
Mabille in Paris and have never heard the last of it. Stand by me in
case of war, my boy."

"That I will, professor."

They have left the hotel, and John's face tells of the puzzle which he
is trying to solve--the strange connection between Pauline Potter, the
actress who won his boyish admiration only to deceive him, and she whom
he seeks with reverent love in his heart, his mother, the Sister
Magdalen of Lady Ruth's Paris adventure.

And the professor guesses the truth.

"I may be able to assist you, John, though you shall be the judge. Will
you listen to my yarn?"
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