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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 51 of 258 (19%)

"With pleasure."

They walk on, arm in arm; the doctor has lighted a cigar, and seems to
take much comfort in the mechanical puffs of smoke which he sends out
into the darkness--not that there is anything of the inky pall about
this, throwing a silvery path way along the mysterious waters of the
romantic sea, and besides, the lanterns that flash on trees and from
house fronts serve to render the scene far from gloomy, though a modern
city dweller, used to electric lights, might notice the change.

"Before we enter into a discussion, my dear boy, let me explain how I
came to know these facts connected with the presence of Pauline Potter
in Valetta, and the duplicity of the man representing the head of the
police, Signor Stucco.

"After returning from our eventful walk to the hill-top back of the
town, I had business in another section, business connected with my trip
along the Mediterranean, and which has been kept a secret from my spouse.

"When on my way back to the hotel, just at dusk, I crossed and passed
down a street, thinking to shorten my route, but in a way became
confused, and made up my mind I would inquire of the first person
I came to.

"That, my boy, was the hand of fate leading me on, as you will speedily

"In all these years that have flown I have at times heard of you. I knew
the skeleton that lay hidden in your family closet, and believing your
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