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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
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"You interest me, professor; please proceed."

"Ah! that is all. I lost track of them and managed to work my way to the
hotel in time for dinner. When that man called you out, I recognized the
dim figure I had seen talking with the soft-voiced woman at dusk. It
takes time for me to figure things out, and I must be beyond the range
of her voice. That was one reason I lay down in the little parlor. When
I heard you announce your intention of visiting the Strada Mezzodi I
made up my mind to act quickly. That is why I tapped you on the arm, why
I am now tramping at your side. Now let us probe deeper.

"Mark the first point; this Pauline is a shrewd creature, and doubtless
possessed of more than an ordinary Corsican nature to hate so bitterly."

"Ah! you know her mother was a Corsican?"

"I believe I have heard it told in New York, and it is easy to realize
the fact now. Pauline is a good hater--her father was Scotch I presume.

"What I want to point out is this--she has been investigating your
record--the skeleton in your closet, or rather your family, is no secret
with her."

"I understand that, sir. It is no accident, her presence in the same
house my mother occupied."

"Well, as to that, you're not sure. That fellow who brought the news was
paid to represent the head of the Valetta police, for they knew you had
invoked official aid, and just as like as not he gave you an address
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