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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 54 of 258 (20%)
that your mother never heard of."

"Well, here we are!" suddenly.

"Eh? This is the Strada Mezzodi?"

"Any objections to it?" laughing.

"Oh, no! one place is as good as another to me, in this Maltese city,
where you seem to be climbing to paradise or descending into hades all
the time. Only I'm glad I came."

"Why, professor?"

"Well," with a look down the street, "I'm afraid you'll need the
services of a friend before long--that you are about to experience a
sensation you won't soon forget," replies Philander, coolly.



"It is possible!" declares John; "and under such circumstances I shall
indeed be glad to have a friend in need. At the same time it seems as
strange to me to think Pauline Potter can be here--that the Chicago
actress whom I once adored and with a youth's ardor swore to make my
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