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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 70 of 258 (27%)
humor for love-making--that my whole soul is bound up in my search."

"Well, I can help you, John," she says, quietly, holding her feelings in
check until she has ventured upon this last resort.

"You can? Then I beg of you, Pauline, to give me assistance. To find my
mother is the one thought of my existence, and any one who can shorten
my quest must have my deepest gratitude."

Pauline frowns again.

"I hate that word; it has no place with me, John Craig. Friendship I
despise--it is either love or hate with me. Let me tell you what I am in
a position to do--find your mother for you, bring you face to face, or,
on the other hand, render it impossible for you to ever set eyes upon

Her manner proves it to be no idle boast, but the young man will not
descend to deceit, even when he might accomplish so much.

"Will you bring about this meeting?" he asks.

"On one condition, John."

"Well"--hesitatingly--"name it."

"That you marry me," is the prompt reply, and even Pauline, actress by
nature and vocation as she is, turns a trifle rosy under his gaze,
though not abashed.

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