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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 71 of 258 (27%)
"That is a sudden ultimatum. Kindly tell me when you would like this
little affair to come off?" he asks, lightly.

"Now--before I take you to the one you have long sought."

"Pardon me; I can hardly collect my wits. You see I had not dreamed of
marrying for years. It is very, very sudden."

"Oh! I'll give you time to reflect upon it, John. I wouldn't hurry up
such grave business."

"I don't believe I need much time. Don't you think it is a rather strange
thing to demand payment before you deliver the goods?"

"If you gave me your word, John, I would wait until I had carried out my

"You think you could trust me?"

"I am willing to accept the chances."


"Will you make the promise?"

"Not I."

"Then you were simply gaining time," with a clenching of the small hands
and a gathering of the black brows.

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