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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 79 of 258 (30%)

When the key turns in the lock, both men are on their feet ready to meet
whatever may be in store for them.

The door swings open.

Instead of a man, they see a woman of Malta. Upon her arm hangs a
lantern. She shades her eyes from its glare and looks upon the prisoners.

To say Doctor Chicago is surprised would be putting it feebly; he is
amazed at the sight of a woman jailer.

Now she fastens her eyes on his face, he can almost feel her gaze. She
advances a step or two.

"Chicago?" she says, inquiringly.

John hardly knows what she means.

"Answer her," says Sharpe, quickly; "she wants to know if you are from

"Yes," returns Craig, nodding.


"John Craig, M.D."

"It is good. Come."

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