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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 80 of 258 (31%)
He is thrilled with a new hope. Can this mean escape? or does the clever
Pauline play a new game with them?

"Shall we go, Sharpe?" he asks, in a whisper.

"Go--well, I reckon we'd be fools to let such a chance as this slip,"
returns the little man, instantly.

So they proceed to follow their strange guide, out of the dungeon door
and along the narrow passage after her.

Again John suspects, and bends his head close to that of his comrade.


"Well, I'm wide awake. What is it you want?" returns the other.

"Do you really mean to trust her?"

"She seems friendly enough. We're out of that abominable place--bah! I'd
as soon be shut up in the Calcutta Black Hole as there."

"But, Pauline--"

"Well, what of her?"

"She is a wonderfully shrewd girl, and this may only be one of her

"I don't believe it; she had us safe enough before. Besides, John, my
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