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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 81 of 258 (31%)
dear boy, I seem to have discovered something that has not yet made
itself apparent to you."

"Then tell me."

"You noticed how she stared at you and asked your name; why, it didn't
matter if a dozen Philander Sharpe were near by."

"Yes, but get down to facts."

"She is repaying her debt."

"To me--she owes me nothing, man."

"You mistake. As you walk, doctor, don't you feel your left arm twinge

"Hang it, yes; but what's that got to do with this Maltese woman with
the lantern?"

"Softly--speak in whispers if you don't want to arouse the house. See,
she turns and raises her forefinger warningly. Do you mean to say you
don't remember her, John?"

"Her face is familiar, but--"

He hesitates, and faces the professor.

"I see, you've got it. You saved her child from the death fangs of the
mad dog, and a kind Heaven has placed her in a position to return the
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