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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 82 of 258 (31%)
favor, which she would do if the most terrible fate hung over her head."

"It seems incredible," mutters the doctor.

Nevertheless it is true; the one chance in ten thousand sometimes comes
to pass.

Already has his afternoon's adventure borne fruit in more ways than one;
first it restored him to his former place in the esteem of Lady Ruth,
which his refusal to do her foolish errand had lost him, and now it
works greater wonders, snatching him from the baleful power of the
actress who, unable to rule, would ruin.

Truly he has no reason to regret that heart affection, that love for
humanity which sent him out to snatch the dusky child of Malta from the
fangs of the beast.

Now they have reached a door that is heavily barred, proving that their
course has been different from the one by means of which they gained the

The woman lays down her lantern and takes away the bars. Then she places
her hand on John's arm.

"You saved my child, Chicago; I save you."

She smiles, this dusky daughter of Malta, as if greatly pleased at being
able to frame her thoughts in English--smiles and nods at the young

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