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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 86 of 258 (33%)

"Eureka! here it is. Found it lying on a desk. Was attracted by the
singular writing."

"Singular writing! that makes me believe it must have come from my

"It is signed Sister Magdalen."

"Then that proves it; you remember what Lady Ruth said about meeting a
Sister in Paris who resembled the miniature I have of my mother. It was
a kind fate that brought this to you, professor."

"Well, you see, I always had a faculty for prying around--might have
been a famous explorer of Egyptian tombs if I hadn't been taken in and
done for by Gwen Makepeace."

"Was there anything particularly interesting in this letter?" asks John.

"I considered it so--you will see for yourself," is the reply.

All is darkness around them. John is possessed of patience to a
reasonable extent, but he would like to see what this paper contains.

"Professor, you seem to have about everything; can you drum up a cigar
and a match?"

"Both, luckily."

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