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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 87 of 258 (33%)
"Ah! thanks," accepting them eagerly.

"It may be dangerous to light up here," says Philander, cautiously, but
the other is deaf to any advice of this sort.

There is a rustling of paper, then the match is struck, and Doctor
Chicago is discovered bending low in order to keep it from the wind. His
cigar is speedily lighted, and his eyes turned upon the paper which
Philander has given him--Philander, who hovers over him now in eager
distress, anxious to hear John's opinion, and yet fearful lest the rash
act may bring danger upon them.

John's lips part to utter an exclamation of mingled amazement and
delight, when from a point close to their shoulders an outcry proceeds;
the burning match has betrayed them.



It is impossible for them to understand just at the moment what has

They are in a part of the Maltese city that Europeans might well
hesitate to visit at the hour of midnight, however much they would
frequent it in daylight.
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