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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 88 of 258 (34%)

The natives of Valetta have not all become reconciled to British rule,
and although no open outbreak occurs, more than once has it been placed
in evidence that there is a deep feeling of resentful distrust in
certain quarters, which only awaits an opportunity to show its ugly

Knowing this fact, it is general principles more than anything else that
causes Philander to have concern.

When those loud cries break forth close at hand, he knows his fears were
not without foundation.

John Craig is also suddenly brought to a realization of the fact that he
has hardly been prudent in his action.

He stows the paper away with a single movement of his hand. It is
precious to him, and must be kept for future study.

Then he is ready to face those who, by their presence and outcries,
announce themselves as the foes of foreigners.

There are many secret societies on the famous island besides the Knights
of Malta, and it is not at all improbable that an organization exists
which has for its main object the eventual uprising of the Maltese and
their freedom from the British yoke.

This would naturally be kept a secret, and not proclaimed from the flat
roofs of Valetta, or the platform of St. Lazarus.

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