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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 55, November 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 12 of 29 (41%)
as well to try to master them. It looks as if we were going to hear a
great deal about Austria this winter, and it will be so much easier for
us to understand the events as they happen if we have mastered the
peculiar form of government under which these two peoples are joined.

It might perhaps simplify the subject to you if you realize that this
government is really somewhat like our own. Austria and Hungary might be
any two of our own States--say Pennsylvania and New York, for instance.
The Emperor, the two parliaments, and the third body which regulates the
matters in common for both countries, might be our President, the state
legislatures, and Congress. Of course there are points of difference
between the two governments, but to take this as a general plan will
help you to form an idea of what the Government of Austro-Hungary is.

On page 1012 of THE GREAT ROUND WORLD we told you about Turkey and
Austria fighting for Hungary, and how since 1527 Hungary had been a part
of the possessions of the House of Habsburg.[A]


[Footnote A: This is often written _Hapsburg_, probably because the _b_
is pronounced very shortly and sharply, giving it much the sound of _p_.
_Habsburg_ is, however, correct, as the name is derived from _Habicht_,
a hawk, and was originally _Habichtsburg_, the Hawk's Castle, from which
the family derived its name.]

There have been many revolts and uprisings in Hungary against the
Austrian rule, and in 1867 the present arrangement was made, whereby
Hungary paid thirty per cent. of the joint expenses of government. The
compact, as it is called, was made for ten years. In 1877 and 1887 it
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