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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 55, November 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 11 of 29 (37%)
The two countries are united under the rule of one monarch, who is
known as Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.

The two countries are linked together by certain common interests, but
each is governed by its own constitution, which is in both cases a
limited monarchy. This means that the power of the sovereign is limited
by certain rules and laws laid down for him in the constitution.

Austria and Hungary each have their separate parliaments, and the
decisions of both these legislatures require the consent of the Emperor
and King before they can be made laws.

Each country has its own Premier and Cabinet, and to manage the affairs
common to both countries there is a third parliament, as it were,
composed of members from Hungary and Austria.

This body is appointed for a year, and meets alternately at Vienna, the
capital of Austria, and Buda Pesth, the twin capital of Hungary, a city
which lies half on one bank of the Danube and half on the other. It is
the duty of these lawgivers to consider the matters that concern the
affairs of both countries equally.

There are three state departments, whose officers are responsible for
their work to the Delegations, as the third body of lawgivers is called.

These officers are the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Whole
Monarchy, the Minister of War for the Whole Monarchy, and the Minister
of Finance for the Whole Monarchy.

These facts may seem a little hard and uninteresting to you, but it is
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