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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 55, November 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 10 of 29 (34%)
have fought if a few of the cooler-headed members had not forcibly
restrained them.

When the din would reach its highest point, the President would adjourn
the meetings; but frequently the uproar was so great that the deputies
did not know that he had done so.

These scenes have continued for over a week. On one occasion when a
member rose to speak on the Austro-Hungarian compact, which is also
unpopular in the House, Herr Wolff, the young Bohemian who recently
fought a duel with Count Badeni, the Prime Minister, began to pound
loudly on the lid of his desk, and calling his friends to aid him, sang,
shouted, and read from the newspaper at the top of his voice, until,
after an hour and a half of confusion, the member who was trying to
speak gave up the attempt in despair.

At the present moment there are three important matters which have to be
considered by the Parliament, all of which have their bitter opponents.
One is the language question, another the calling to account of the
Prime Minister for the various acts which have displeased the people,
and the third is the important question of renewing the Austro-Hungarian

We told you in an earlier number that this was an agreement by which
Hungary paid thirty per cent. of the money needed by the Government, and
Austria the remaining seventy per cent.

Before we go any further into this matter, we had perhaps better explain
to you the government that binds Austria and Hungary together.

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