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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 55, November 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 9 of 29 (31%)
the many persons whom General Blanco has been authorized to pardon. It
is said that all persons prosecuted for rebellion, and all rebels
accused of other crimes, are to be pardoned by the new Captain-General.

This clemency does not, however, meet with the approval of the Cubans.
The pardon states that it is extended to all those whose crimes are
against the state, but not to those criminals who should be punished by
military law. It therefore amounts to little more than the releasing of
the prisoners who are in the jails; the insurgents who have taken up
arms against Spain have all been declared outlaws, and their crimes are
punishable by military law, so the pardon does not apply to the soldiers
who are or have been fighting in the war, and they are liable to be put
to death for outlawry whenever caught.

* * * * *

Reference was made, in THE GREAT ROUND WORLD No. 49, to the disgraceful
proceedings which were taking place in the Austrian Parliament.

Unfortunately the members of that legislature have not yet seen the
shame of their conduct, but have continued to grow more violent and add
to their scandalous behavior in every possible way.

The use of the Czech and Magyar languages by the officials in Bohemia
and Hungary has again been under discussion, and the scenes that have
occurred in the Austrian Parliament day after day are almost beyond

Instead of discussing the matter in hand, the deputies fell to calling
each other names like a lot of vulgar street-boys, and would eventually
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