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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 55, November 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 8 of 29 (27%)
Under General Weyler's rule it was impossible to get these men tried,
but Blanco has brought orders that they be tried immediately, and it is
rumored that if they are found guilty they will be pardoned on condition
that they leave Cuba and never return to it.

The _Competitor_ case was explained to you in No. 40 of THE GREAT ROUND
WORLD. Briefly, she was a schooner engaged in a filibustering
expedition, and was overhauled and captured by the Spaniards. All the
persons on board escaped but five, three of whom were sailing the ship,
and claimed to be American citizens.

The defence made by these men was that the filibustering party had taken
passage for Florida, and had given no indication of being engaged in any
unlawful pursuit till the vessel was out of sight of land, when they
took possession of her, and forced the captain to carry them over to

[Illustration: Cuba]

This defence was not believed, and the men were sentenced to death. Our
Government interfered on account of their being American citizens. A
protest was sent to Spain, and a new trial was ordered. This was over a
year ago, but by one means or another Weyler always contrived to prevent

It is reported that this _Competitor_ case was one of the main objects
of General Woodford's mission, and that the pardon of these unfortunate
prisoners is in response to the President's request.

If all we hear is true, the _Competitor_ prisoners will only be a few of
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