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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 55, November 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 7 of 29 (24%)

The desperate want of money among the troops is leading to some very
reprehensible acts, if we are to believe what we hear.

It seems that some soldiers brought their colonel word that they knew
where they could lay hands on $14,000, and they said that if they were
allowed to go and seize it they would bring it to the colonel to pay
the regiment, which otherwise would mutiny.

The colonel allowed his men to set off on their shameful expedition, and
learned that sure enough they had obtained the money. What was his
surprise and indignation to find that, instead of bringing it to him,
they had deserted to the Cubans with their booty.

While the promised reforms are being put into practice without delay,
the new Captain-General is, it is said, making active preparations for
war. The winter campaign against the rebels is to begin at once, and it
is believed that severe fighting is ahead.

It remains to be seen whether the soldiers will do better under General
Blanco's leadership than they did under Weyler.

* * * * *

You will be interested to know that the trial of the _Competitor_
prisoners takes place in Havana this week.

The Spanish Government evidently wishes to settle this matter, which has
been a grave source of difficulty between Madrid and Washington.

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