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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 55, November 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
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reference to his being certain that no other minister would keep him in
office after the death of Canovas.

General Blanco is endeavoring to establish his government in Havana.

He is not having an easy time of it, however. The Spanish ministers were
led to believe that there were a great number of Cubans who were
desirous of seeing Home Rule established, and who would come to the
assistance of Spain if she attempted to do this.

One of the proposed changes was that certain of the offices should be
filled by Cubans. From the accounts given. General Blanco expected to
find no difficulty in getting the Cubans to serve under him.

To his dismay he has found that the reported strong Home Rule party does
not exist, and that the Cubans decline the honors offered them. He had
to threaten one man with banishment from Cuba before he could persuade
him to take any part in the establishment of the reforms.

* * * * *

The war is being actively pursued all over the island. General Garcia
has, it is said, captured Holguin and Mayari in Santiago de Cuba.

At Pinar del Rio City the insurgents defeated the Spanish troops and
took from them some guns and a large store of ammunition.

It is said that a million dollars, sent over to pay the Spanish army,
has mysteriously disappeared from Havana's treasury, and the soldiers
are extremely indignant over it.
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