Preface to the Works of Shakespeare (1734) by Lewis Theobald
page 57 of 70 (81%)
page 57 of 70 (81%)
ÎανÏá½·ÏÏην á¼Îºá½»Î»Î± μνήμην [1]Î²á½·Î¿Ï ÏαÏέδÏκην ÎÏμῷ [2]ÏειμήÏÎ±Ï ÏÎµÎ¼Î½Ï ÏÎ±Ï Ïην á¼Î»Î¿Ïον⧠ΠαÏθένον á¼§Ï á¼Ïá½³Î»Ï Ïε μίÏÏην ÎΣÎΡÎÎÎ á¼Î½Î¸Î¿Ï. á¼Ïκεν á¼Î½ ἡμιÏελεῠÏÎ±Ï Ïαμενον θαλάμῳ. ΤÏεá¿Ï Î³Î±Ï á¼Ïá¾½ εἰκοÏá½·Î¿Ï Ï ÏελεῶÏε [3]βιον á¼Î½Î¹Î±Ï ÏοὺÏ, Îαὶ μεÏá½° ÏούÏδε θάνεν [4]ÏÎ¿Ï ÏÎ¿Ï Î»Î¹ÏÎ¿Ï ÏαÏαοÏ. [Notes: 1 βιόÏÎ¿Ï ÏαÏέδÏκεν. 2 ÏιμήÏÎ±Ï ÏεμνοÏá½±Ïην. 3 βιοῦÏá¾½. 4 ÏοῦÏο λιÏοῦÏα ÏάοÏ. ] I have, for Brevityâs sake, markâd the general Corrections, which I have made, at the Side. The third Verse is neither true in Quantity, nor Language: ÎΣÎΡÎÎÎ is a Monster of a Word, which never could be the Reading of any Marble. As I correct it, we recover a most beautiful Couplet. ΠαÏθένον, á¼§Ï á¼Ïá½³Î»Ï Ïε μίÏÏην⧠ἯΣ ἨΡÎÎΌΠá¼Î½Î¸Î¿Ï. á¼Ïκεν á¼Î½ ἡμιÏελεῠÏÎ±Ï Ïάμενον θαλάμῳ. Puellam, cujus Zonam solvit; cujus _VERNUS_ Flos Præproperô tabuit in Thalamô. [Sidenote: A _Votive Table_ corrected.] VIII. I come now to the _Votive Table_, which is rich in poetick |