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A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale - In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich by Samuel Ward
page 37 of 51 (72%)
It is true: but liberality baulkes, and feares covetousnesse and
niggardize, more a great deale then prodigallity; so does zeale
lukewarmnes and coldnesse, more then too much heate and forwardnesse;
the defect is more opposite and dangerous to some vertues, then the

[Sidenote: 5 Object.]

Why? are not some thinke you, too straight laced, that dare not use
their Christian liberty in some recreations? sware by small oathes, or
lend money for reasonable use? hath not God left many things
indifferent, wherein some shew themselves more nice then wise?

[Sidenote: Answer.]

Zeale will cut of the right hand, if it cause to offend; much more to
pare the nayles and superfluities: it consumes the strongest, dearest
corruptions; much more will it singe off such haire and drosse as these:
If ought be praise worthy, it imbraceth such things; if any be
doubtfull, carrying shew of evill, of ill reporte, it dares not meddle
with them; it feares that some of these are as indifferent, as
fornication was among the heathen.

[Sidenote: 6 Object.]

There are but few such, no not of the better sort, as you speake of.

[Sidenote: Answer.]

Graunt there bee any, and zealous emulation culleth the highest
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