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A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale - In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich by Samuel Ward
page 38 of 51 (74%)
examples. Such as meane to excell in any Art, travell to find out the
rarest workemen, purchase the choysest Copies; hee that hath true zeale,
will strive to purge himselfe, as Christ is pure.

[Sidenote: 7 Object.]

Will you have us runne before our neighbours, or live without example or

[Sidenote: Answer.]

Cowards and cravens, stand and look who goes first: souldiers of courage
will cast lots for the onset and fore-rank, for desperat services, and
single combats. Lades will not go without the way be led.

[Sidenote: 8 Object.]

So we may soone come to trouble, and danger enough.

[Sidenote: Answer.]

What daunger can there bee, of an honest, peaceable, religious

The slug or snaile, puts out the tender horne to feele for lets in the
way, and puls them in where there is no cause; so doe the fearfull that
shall be without: but zeale either findes no dangers, or makes them
none; it neither feares to doe well, or to reproove ill doers, let who
so will be displeased.

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