A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale - In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich by Samuel Ward
page 39 of 51 (76%)
page 39 of 51 (76%)
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Some indeed care not whome they offend, they are so harsh and fiery,
they can beare with nothing. [Sidenote: 9 Object.] Will true Christianity allow us to beare with any sinne? [Sidenote: Answer.] Can tinne, or hot iron choose but hisse againe, if cold water be cast on it? can a righteous soul choose but vexe it selfe at open evill? Such Ostriches as can digest oathes, prophane and filthie speeches, shew what mettle they have for the Lord of hosts; who yet will be ready enough to offer the challenge, or stab, for the least disgrace to themselves, or their mistresse: _Phineas_ had rather, if it were lawfull, fight in Gods quarrels then his owne. [Sidenote: 10 Object.] All are not by nature of so hot dispositions, or so fiery-spirited, as others. [Sidenote: Answer.] If there bee such a dull flegmaticke creature as hath no life nor spirite in any thing hee goes about, or whome nothing will moove; hee may plead complexion, and yet grace is above nature: but the best way is; See every man compare his devotion in matters of God, with his spirits and mettle in other affayres, wherein his element or delight lies; if the one equall not the other, the fault is not in nature: the |