A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 22 of 126 (17%)
page 22 of 126 (17%)
22. How many of the house of Jacob went down into Egypt? NOTES ON THE QUESTIONS These questions must needs be few in number. If the time permits, let the teacher add others. They are designed to be mere surface questions, to secure acquaintanceship with a few of the great facts. In assigning the questions on each book of the Bible let the teacher go over them with the class, seeking their knowledge (or imparting it) as to the chapters in which the answers may be found. If the class has the time and desires a more thorough acquaintance with each book, let each member prepare two "large" questions on each chapter, or upon as many chapters as they desire. The following questions on Chapter 1 will serve as examples: (1) Name the seven purposes of the lights. (2) State the number of times the word God occurs. XV. _Items of Special Interest:_ 1. The symmetry of the paragraphs in the record of the six creative days in Chapter 1. 2. God's notice of the human countenance. 4:6. 3. The first piece of recorded poetry is degenerating, bloody. 4:23, 24. 4. The word for "rooms," 6:14, in the margin is "nests"--a primitive description. 5. The richness of the historical prophecy in 9:27. |