A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 23 of 126 (18%)
page 23 of 126 (18%)
XVI. _Individual Finds:_ Chapters 10, or 23, or 37, or all. Or each of these three chapters could be assigned to a third of the class. JOB SECTION I. INTRODUCTION From personal knowledge and reading, from perusal of articles in Bible helps and dictionaries, write out in your own language a two-hundred-word description of the book as a whole, its purpose, its nature, etc. SECTION II. NARRATIVES (To be memorized and told, with care in regard to all details.) 1. Description of Job and His Household. Chapter 1. 2. First Interview between Jehovah and Satan. 1. 3. First Test and Result. 1. 4. Second Interview between Jehovah and Satan. 2. |