A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 24 of 126 (19%)
page 24 of 126 (19%)
5. Second Test and Result. 2.
6. The Three Friends. 2. SECTION III. GEOGRAPHY Locate by chapter and verse, naming the thought, or fact, or person connected therewith, the following geographical terms: Uz, Sabeans, Chaldeans, Temanite, Shuhite, Naamathite, Buzite, Tema, Sheba, Ophir, Rahab, Ethiopia. (Locate chapter and verse by reference to concordance.) (Make record in blank book on same page as map.) Draw full-page map, locating each place as far as known. SECTION IV. NATURE OF JOB'S DISEASE Write out the descriptions as narrated in the following verses: 7:5; 13:28; 19:20; 30:17, 18, 30. Describe in your own words the characteristics of the disease as noted in these verses. Give name of disease, as agreed upon by interpreters. SECTION V. SPEAKERS AND SPEECHES In order to secure a skeleton idea of the book write out the names of the speakers in consecutive order and the chapters containing the speeches. Space in each line could be reserved to fill in at a later study the general thought of each speech. At the close make any observations regarding the number and order of speeches. The following is a sample of the first four speeches: |